2023-01-01: Finally subscribed to Pinboard and I’m loving it.

2023-01-01: First doggo walk of 2023. A perfect morning.

2022-12-29: Current read: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin 📚

2022-12-26: On the agenda today: books, movies, cuddles with this guy, and snacks. Basically, a perfect day.

2022-11-26: some things…

2022-11-09: Art store finds today…these colors are delicious.

2022-10-29: Inky owl from my sketchbook 🎨

2022-10-28: Been up all night because of some sort of “fan” on the roof of my building. It’s vibrating my whole …

2022-10-25: I just joined micro.blog not too long ago, and I have to say that the community here is so friendly! …

2022-10-24: Being a diarist for many years, I often think about the afterlife of all my journals. What happens …

2022-10-23: Current read:

2022-10-22: I’m on the last season/penultimate episode of Breaking Bad and it’s just so sad to watch. I don’t …

2022-10-22: Daily scribbles 🎨

2022-10-22: Neighbourhood color palette 📷

2022-10-21: Happy Back To The Future day! It’s still one of my fav movies. 📽

2022-10-21: flowers from my bday are still holding up

2022-10-21: I think I need to examine my sleep hygiene. Or reevaluate my daily ongoings. I’m always so tired. …


2022-10-20: So ty 🎨


2022-10-16: afternoon scribbles

2022-10-16: Bubbly starry night

2022-10-12: books books books

2022-10-12: Bits of red on the morning walk

2022-10-11: Pay attention to meeeeee

2022-10-10: Favorite part of the morning is coffee + books

2022-10-10: Perfectly happy doing absolutely nothing

2022-10-08: the neighborhood is in full pumpkin season mode 📷

2022-10-08: A handwritten blog? Yes please! I love this website… handwritten.blog

2022-10-08: Finally started watching Breaking Bad. I’m on the second season! 👀📺