
Finally subscribed to Pinboard and I’m loving it.

First doggo walk of 2023. A perfect morning.

Current read: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin 📚

On the agenda today: books, movies, cuddles with this guy, and snacks. Basically, a perfect day.

some things

Art store finds today…these colors are delicious.

Inky owl from my sketchbook 🎨

Been up all night because of some sort of “fan” on the roof of my building. It’s vibrating my whole bedroom and the landlord says there’s nothing he can do about it 😩 I just moved in a couple of months ago and not sure how I’ll be able to break out of my lease if he doesn’t fix the problem. I need sleep.

I just joined not too long ago, and I have to say that the community here is so friendly! 🥹 Spending time here feels good…

Being a diarist for many years, I often think about the afterlife of all my journals. What happens to the written volumes of my life? What does one do with all these books?

Current read:

I’m on the last season/penultimate episode of Breaking Bad and it’s just so sad to watch. I don’t even know who to root for anymore. Did he do all this for nothing? Also, poor Jessie 🙈

Daily scribbles 🎨

Neighbourhood color palette 📷

Happy Back To The Future day! It’s still one of my fav movies. 📽

flowers from my bday are still holding up

I think I need to examine my sleep hygiene. Or reevaluate my daily ongoings. I’m always so tired. Every. Day. Am I just getting f old?? Or maybe I need to exercise more. 🥱

So ty 🎨

afternoon scribbles

Bubbly starry night

books books books

Bits of red on the morning walk

Pay attention to meeeeee